Mojama is a Spanish delicacy consisting of filleted salt-cured tuna. The word 'Mojama' comes from Arab 'Musama' meaning dry, but its origins are Phoenician, specifically from Gadir, (Cádiz nowadays) which was the first settlement founded in the Western Mediterranean Sea. The Phoenicians had learned to dry tuna in sea salt to make it appropriate for trade.
Mojama is made using the loins of the tuna, pressing them in salt for two days. Then the salt is retired, the loins are washed and then dried in the sun and air (according to the traditional method) for fifteen to twenty days.
'Mojama de Atun' or Dried Tuna Fillets is a product with a salted and mildly-sweet flavour. Mojama is 100% Natural, is a rich source of Omega-3 and is low in fat and carbohydrates. It is usually served in extremely thin slices with olive oil and pieces of tomato or almonds.
It is gaining international recognition in the restaurant and specialty food sectors around the world. Our Mojama is from the best Mojama region of Spain - Andaluscia and is consequently a favourite of our valued customers.
Available in 0.9 - 1.1kg cryovac packs (minimum order 1 pack)

Waimea Trading carries a range of the finest Spanish delicacies.
Today, Spanish cooking is "in fashion", especially thanks in part to Ferran Adriŕ, who in the summer of 2003 attained international renown thanks to praise in the Sunday supplement of the New York Times.
His restaurant El Bulli is located in the province of Girona, near Roses. In a long article, the New York Times declared him the best chef in the world, and postulated the supremacy of Spanish cooking over French cuisine.
We provide the highest quality Spanish products from the most sought after regions of Spain.
Please view the products listed below for more information or contact Waimea Trading directly.
Mojama - Air Dried Tuna
Manchego Cheese
Manchego cheese is probably the most popular cheese from Spain; it is produced in La Mancha, made only from whole milk of the Manchega sheep. It is a rich, semi firm cheese and is naturally aged in caves for a minimum of 3 - 6 months. This method allows the cheese to produce a fine zest and exuberant flavour. Waimea Trading are proud to import one of the only Spanish handmade cheeses into Australia.
The taste of manchego cheese depends on the maturity; fresh, mild and subtle. It has a distinctive, slightly salty but not too strong flavour with a characteristic aftertaste of sheep's milk. Manchego cheese is available from Waimea Trading in three different states of maturity; fresh, this is a milk cheese that is un-cured, and embraces the strongest flavour, the 3-6 months old manchego; is a semi-cured cheese and has a more mild flavoured and the 12 month old manchego; this is fully cured and has a more subtle taste, to accompany a variety of dishes.
Manchego cheese is excellent as a dessert cheese, ideal with appetizers, cold cuts and bread, and can be a great accompaniment to any meal.
Available in 3-3.5kg wheels (minimum order 1 wheel)
Jamon Serrano Gran Reserva
Jamóndul Gran Reserva Serrano, is a market leader in Australia, and has been embraced and revered by the top end restaurants, delicatessens and other high end establishments. Like no other Serrano, this product continues to outstand restaurant owners and food fanatics as being far better in taste than the other hams on the market, this has been apparent in the blind food tastings we have done with competing products of late.
These beautiful Spanish hams are sensational on gourmet sandwiches, pizzas, pastas or served in more traditional ways such as simply with some rock melon or figs.
Available in full legs, cryvacted legs range in weight from 4.5 to 5.5 kg. They are also available in 100 gram packets. The average shelf life for Jamón is 8 months from the original date of packaging if the product has been kept at it optimum temperature of 0-7°C.
Minimum order 1 leg or 1 box of pre-sliced Jamon (15 packets)
Jamon Iberico De Belotta
The Jamón Ibérico is the more luxurious of the two Jamón's. This is because the Ibérian ham comes from a pig called Pata Negra, which is distinguished by its darker colour and allowed to feed wildly for a portion of its life on acorns. The pigs used to make Serrano are a more common domesticated pig, but not to be underestimated. The quality and integrity of this brand is hard to match. Many brands of Spanish Jamon are now being imported into Australia, yet it is difficult to find a Spanish ham of this quality to compare to ours. The curing time of our products, is much greater than on other Jamon brands. The difference can be as much as 2 years on the Iberico de Bellota, instead with the Serrano the difference can be between 6 to 12 months. We allow our products to fully complete their curing processes while many of our competitors are only curing their products for the minimum time required, which obviously has a major impact on the end result.
These beautiful Spanish hams are sensational on gourmet sandwiches, pizzas, pastas or served in more traditional ways such as simply with some rock melon or figs.
Available in full legs, cryvacted legs range in weight from 4.5 to 5.5 kg. They are also available in 100 gram packets. The average shelf life for Jamón is 8 months from the original date of packaging if the product has been kept at it optimum temperature of 0-7°C.
Minimum order 1 leg or 1 box of pre-sliced Jamon (15 packets)
Cantabric Anchovies
Conservas Nardin was voted Spain's best conservas for the last three years running. Their company's main goal is quality, both with regards to it product and its service. The close relationship between CONSERVAS NARDIN and the Port of Getaria, along with the family's extensive experience in the field of fresh fish, means the company has great knowledge of fishing, of the fish markets and of the optimum qualities of the different kinds of fish found in the area. Being present when the boats unload their catches allows the company to guarantee the quality of the fish and check that it is in line with the agreed specifications: fresh fish in season.
Once the fish has been brought in, it is essential that the subsequent elaboration process is impeccable, for which reason it starts on the same day as the fish is bought, hence maintaining the freshness of the primary product. It is then elaborated in keeping with the artisan tradition, without any kinds of preservative or additive.
These cantabric anchovies from Spain are 1st class anchovies that rival the current leading anchovy products in the Australian market. Waimea Trading offers a range of black and white cantabric anchovies preserved in olive oil and vinaigrette, the packaging ranges in size for personal use to food service use.
Minimum order 1 pack (variety of sizes)
Roasted Red Peppers
The official name for these Spanish Roasted Red Peppers is 'Pimiento de Piquillo'. The name piquillo means "little beak" in Spanish. Traditionally piquillo peppers are grown in Northern Spain and are hand picked then roasted over open fires. The peppers are then peeled by hand and packed in jars or tins. The roasting of the pepper gives it a rich, spicy-sweet flavor.
The Piquillo peppers Waimea Trading stocks come from Losada, a popular region of the piquillo and are plump sweet and full of the roasted flavour.
Available in 360g tins (minimum order 1 tray; 12tins)
La Amarilla Organic Olive Oil
La Amarilla de Ronda, was founded with the idea of producing high-quality Spanish ecological extra virgin olive oils, made from the finest ecologically-cultivated raw materials, with the hope and intention of making them an internationally recognised product. La Amarilla originates from Andalusia in Spain, one of the most prestigious oil making areas of the world.
Waimea Trading is proud to support two different varieties of olive oil that La Amarilla de Ronda have to offer; the Suave and the Intenso.
Suave is "a soft, sensitive, naďve oil with a smooth texture, reminiscent of the skin of a peach, sweet, with the tiniest hint of acidity to give it personality. The flavour is reminiscent of nuts, in particular almonds, and mulberry leaves. Discrete on entry, it then opens out to flood the taste buds, leaving a feeling of placidity in the mouth". The smoothness of this ecological extra virgin olive oil brings out the flavours of the foods it accompanies. Our experts recommend it for sophisticated salads containing smoked and salted products or foie gras and for richly flavoured dishes with strong sauces. It is also ideal for cakes and pastries, such as sponges, doughnuts and other specialties.
Intenso is "an incisive, agile, lively oil with aromatic touches of green tomato leaf, apple and acerola peel. Its texture is that of walnut shell while its flavour is reminiscent of nuts, in particular walnut. Fleshy in the mouth, it is a particularly Spanish oil in nature, with a deep, very pleasant aftertaste that heightens other flavours while making its own personality felt". Our experts recommend using it with bread, on salads, with poached and grilled fish, in white meat stews or to season rare red meats, for fried foods and in preparing modern olive oil ice-creams.
Both oils are organic extra virgin olive oil, which means that they come from the first press of the olives which is the best. It has been said for millenniums that olive oil has health benefits which is still true today La Amarilla de Ronda takes pride in offering not only a truly exceptionally tasting oil olive oil but also one that has kept with tradition spanning centuries.
Available in a range of tin sizes 250ml, 500ml and 3L (min. 1 box)

Turrón (Spanish), also known as Torrone (English) is a nougat confectionary customarily eaten as a Christmas sweet in Spain.
Turrón is typically made of honey, sugar, and egg whites, with toasted almonds or other nuts. It is usually shaped into either a rectangular tablet or a round cake. Once the honey is caramelized the recipe suggests adding pine nuts, almonds or hazelnuts - peeled and roasted (the quality of the product is determined by the quantity of almond in the mix). The mix is then cooked a little longer and finally removed from the heat and cut into slices. Once cooked it becomes breakable when it is cooled.
Jijona and Alicante turrón are the most well known types of turrón, named after the location where they were created:
- Hard (the Alicante variety): A compact block of whole almonds in a brittle mass of eggs, honey and sugar; 60% almonds
- Soft (the Jijona variety): Similar but the almonds are reduced to a paste. The addition of oil makes the matrix chewier; 64% almonds
The first mention of Turrón in Spain is in a 1541 play by Lope de Rueda called "Los lacayos" (The Thieving Footmen.) The earliest recipe was discovered in "Manual de Mujeres" (Manual for Women) written in the 1500s.
Our Turron arrives from the town of Jijona from a company called Jose Garrigos, which was established in 1890 and is a master in the art of turron, producing Spain’s best Turron.